Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm a Graduate

On June 13th I walked into Quest Football Field with my purple gown and hat on so excited. I also had a special purple lay that Katie got me to wear during the ceremony. My stomach had happy butterflies because this was a big deal to finally be leaving high school. The ceremony was great, but a little long. Most of my family was there to support me like Mom, Dad, Katie, Maria, Eric, Jake, and Kai. Plus I got calls from Kenrick, Maggie, Tommy, and Ryder to congratulate me on graduating as well. Once the ceremony was over and I was walking away from my fellow graduates I saw my awesome little man Jake and he ran up to me and he gave me a huge hug and stole my hat. We took many pictures and we celebrated it with a big dinner the next day. I'm so excited to take my next step to college life.
just keep livin' and lovin'
Love Emma