Monday, January 19, 2009

New Year, New Rhythm

Well I'm a little late but Cheers!!! to the New Year!! I feel refreshed and ready to take on another year of school, family and fun!! Although I still have 5 months of school I'm starting to prepare for summer as well as school for next year. Its amazing how much I have to do in such little time - its exhausting.

The Holidays were amazing being back home with the whole family and eating until we exploded with a shrimp and steak dinner and my Mom's awesome strata to top it off the next morning. Although we were missing my awesome sister Maggie and her new husband Tommy and baby Ryder. They were truly missed. We kept this Christmas pretty simple with opening gifts on Christmas Eve after the boys a.k.a. Jake and Kai went to bed. We sat by the fire and enjoyed a nice evening of stories and laughter. My New Years was great as well. I met up with 4 friends from evergreen Nina, Avery, Krissy and Pietro. We got an Italian dinner and then went to a new years eve party in Seattle it was great seeing my friends from school because 2 weeks is along time away!! I had a fantastic time dancing and catching up with my friends. Shortly after I had to head back to school being that are school has short breaks.

I started my next quarter at school - same program Hop on Pop. This quarter it is more about music and popular culture live in the world today. I did get a new seminar teacher, his name is Chico and he is extremely cool and down to earth. He is letting our class watch the inauguration this tuesday during class. GO OBAMA!!! Next quarter I'm looking into a program called Learning on the Wild Side which is learning about nature and animals and I think it would be a interesting class to take for my final quarter. I am extra excited about this program I want to take next year called Media Art Works. This class is exactly what I am looking for it is an all year program and I would get the joy to work with my same teacher of Hop on Pop, Julia Zay. The class is all about how to make films and learn all the mechanics of using film editor on the computer. We also would be reading some great novels and making some radical movies!! I'm really hope to get into that class it would really help me with my future job.

I loving my new family of friends at school every day I get to hang out with them and enjoyed their stories and antics. There is a new theme in C dorm and that is Super Smash Brothers on forth floor like almost every night. Its amazing how long boys can play these video games! Not to say i don't get in there once and a while.

Just keep livin' and lovin'
xoxo Emma