Tuesday, August 26, 2008

summer's over :( but college begins :)

So after graduation came summer and lets just say I had a great summer. All summer I hung out with friends and worked. I went to plenty of parties with my good friend Anne and we had a blast. I went to my friends cabins Mollie's on the Hood Canal and Veronica's on Lummi Island. They were so much fun and we stayed up all night with friends. I also hung out with good friend Amanda a lot going to O'denny beach and chillin at Jake's house. I met many new friends over the summer which is always a ton of fun. I also took a trip back to Michigan for 3 weeks and caught up with family and friends. Although I miss many people in Michigan, not going to lie I love Washington so much with all its green and all the intresting things to do. Like going downtown to the market and getting some kettle corn, taking a run on the water and jumping in when Im done, and even going down to Seattle and shopping around town. I loving it more and more everyday.
All though summer is over a whole new story begins. I'm at college now and I love it sooooooooooooo much! And I truely mean it. I fit in so well and I'm making tons of friends. I'm living in the "mods" which our these little blue houses. I have 4 roomates, a living room, and a kitchen. So its nice to be able to make food when I want. I love all my roommates we all get along really well. One roommate Sara and I get along the best we hang out the most and talk the most, we are almost like sisters (well thats what are friends say) I love going to the dorms and chilllin with the "404" guys and I made plenty of other friends. My program is super interesting its called Hop on Pop: Investigating Popular Culture. It is so cool how much we can examine such culture in life. We watch a movie on mondays and have readings out of different books like Keywords by Raymond Williams and Hop on Pop the Politics and Pleasures of Popular Culture. I enjoy the class discussion because it is so fun to put your voice out as well as here so many other points of views. I also join the Ultimate Frisbee team here at Evergreen. It is a really fun sport and I just picked it up and join the team. I am working on my forarm throw and it is getting better and I am learning all the rules to play in tournments and stuff. We practice with the boys team and in the games we just have enough girls to make a womens team. It is a lot like football with end zones mixed with basketball where you can't travel with the frisbee you have to work it down the field with your 7 teammates. So school is going awesome and everyday is a new adventure.

keep livin' and lovin'

Here are some pics of summer and college thus far~~~~~