Saturday, October 3, 2009

And So It Begins....

Summer was amazing! Even though I stayed in Olympia and work 40 hours a week, I had a blast working, hanging out with new friends, and finding a great new house for my roommates and I. I enjoyed a pretty lax summer just making money and going to beach with friends. Now back to the school! I am now beginning my second year at the Evergreen State College, same school many changes! I am taking an extremely fun and interesting program called Greece and Italy an Artistic and Literary Odyssey.(GIALO) I am in the art portion of the class so I am learning how to draw and paint. We even get to work with live nude models and draw them every Friday, wooh talk about nerve racking. I'm also reading Homer and Plato, and learning so much about the Greek and Italian culture! Oh and the best part is, is that this is an all year class and in the spring our class is going abroad to Greece and Italy for 6 weeks!!! I am so excited and I can't wait to go across the seas and explore.
I'm juggling school, work, frisbee, and friends this year and its hard but I'm enjoying every minute of it. This pass weekend I played in an ultimate frisbee tournament called Geofest! It was a blast and evergreen got 2nd place out of 8 teams. We had a lot of fun playing hard 5 games straight! After frisbee threw a party for all the teams in the tourny. It was a lot of fun and felt great to celebrate our almost win. So school is going great and I'm loving having so much on my plate and hanging out with friends!

Here are some pics to update you on what's going on and where its going....

The Roomies.

Our New Home!

Geofest Tourny!

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